DOI for SWEDPOP – version 1.0


SwedPop is a national research infrastructure established in 2018 with support from the Swedish research council.  It contains micro-level demographic data of the Swedish population, including linked life-courses for individuals between the 17 and the 20 centuries in selected regions and the full-count national census 1880. The aim of SwedPop is to provide accessible harmonized data, standardized variables and a common data format for a large number of demographic and socio-economic variables. 

Citation of SwedPop data
Publications and research reports based on SwedPop data must be cited appropriately. The citation should include:
SwedPop. (2021). First version of harmonised data in SwedPop [Data set]. SwedPop.


Link to metadata
Link to extraction tool 

DDB  Version IDS: 1.0 

Version base KBGrund:  6.3.1 

Date: 2021-06-18 



DDB Parishes in IDS




SEDD  Version: IDS 1.0 

Date: 2021-06-18 



Hög församling  1829-1910 
Kågeröds församling  1813-1910 
Halmstads församling  1821-1910 
Sireköpinge församling  1821-1910 
Kävlinge församling  1829-1910 



SweCens  Version:  

Version IDS: 1.0 

Date: 2021-06-18 


Censuses: 1880, all parishes in Sweden 

GOPP  No data 
Roteman  No data