Data description
Metadata with information on variable availability in the SwedPop extraction tool: Metadata
SwedPop have harmonized three areas into common coding systems: Occupational titles, Cause of death and Parish information.
Occupations titles
Occupational titles are coded using the international coding system HISCO. Methods and principles are described in SwedPop Documentation: Principles of Coding Swedish Historic Occupations. A complete list of standardized occupational titles, codes and descriptions of unit groups can be found in the document HISCO codes and description.
HISCO codes and description SwedPop v 1.0
Cause of death
In version 3 of harmonized data, the causes of death have been recoded into a new international historical cause of death code system called ICD10h.
Principles of coding is described in the document Principles of Coding Historic Causes of Death using the ICD10h Code System.
A complete coding scheme can be found in the document Cause of Death – ICD10h – Code Scheme.
Principles of Coding Historic Cause of Death using the ICD10h Code System
Parish information
Swedish parishes have been coded according to NADD. The coding is described in SwedPop Parish and County Register Documentation, together with the codes for the historical counties. In the document SwedPop Parish Register, the encoding of NAPP for Swedish parishes are defined.
SwedPop Parish and County Register Documentation
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DOI-landing site.